Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Inside My MM-SAP

1. One of my SAP-friend asked me where the Variance Keys is.
The anwer is : MaterialMaster - Costing 1 View

2. I got an error message in TP transaction
The error was : material...DEFICIT....KG..
Lily and Hendry told me that the problem came from The digit of Alternate Unit of measure.
Buom = KG
Auom1 = MC
Auom2 = IC, for example :
based on 1 MC = 10,884 KG, 1 MC = 6 IC then setting mat. master =1 IC = 1,824 KG ==> that was wrong way, it will cause deficit ...
it should be : based on 1 IC =...?..KG then setting = 1 MC =...?..KG


boil said...

Dont forget to share the info to your international consultant from Afganishtan :)

Handoyo said...

thanks boil
i never forget him